1. Sign in

How to Sign in:

  1. Click here to visit the login page
  2. Enter your Email address
  3. Enter your Password
  4. Click on Sign in
  5. Upon login, the Dashboard will be displayed

1a. Change Password & Log out

Click on the user icon
(top right corner) to:

  1. Change Password
  2. Log out

Notification emails are sent when:

  • Password is changed

2. Dashboard

To access the Dashboard:

  1. Click on Dashboard


  • The boxes at the top display your current balance and the month’s usage
  • The table displays your activity for the past 6 months

3. Contacts

To view your Contacts:

  1. Click on the Contacts section

3a. Add Personalised fields

To Add a Personalised field:

  1. Click on Personalise fields
  2. Click on New personalised field
  3. Enter Field name
  4. Select a Field type
  5. Optional: Input a Default value
  6. Click on ✔️

3b. Edit Personalised fields

To Edit a Personalised field:

  1. Click on Personalise fields
  2. Click on ✏️
  3. Edit Field details
  4. Click on ✔️

3c. Delete Personalised fields

To Delete a Personalised field:

  1. Click on Personalise fields
  2. Click on ✏️
  3. Click on 🗑️
  4. Click on Ok

3d. Create Tags

To Create a Tag:

  1. Click on Manage Tags
  2. Click on the Add new Tag field
  3. Enter Tag name
  4. Click on Add
  5. Click on Ok to exit

3e. Tag/Untag Contacts

To Tag/Untag your Contacts:

  1. Select your desired Contacts
  2. Click on Manage Tags
  3. Click on the checkbox beside the desired Tag
  4. Select Tag or Untag
  5. Click on Ok


  • You can manage multiple Tags at a time

3f. Delete Tags

To Delete Tags:

  1. Click on Manage Tags
  2. Click on the checkbox beside the desired Tag
  3. Select Delete Tag
  4. Click on Ok

3g. Import Contacts

To Import Contacts:

  1. Click on Import contacts
  2. Download template for the upload file format
  3. Enter the mobile numbers of your contacts in the file
  4. Click on 📥 to upload your contacts
  5. Optional: Select to Clean mobile numbers
  6. Click on Next
  7. Optional: Select a country to prefix its country code to your numbers
  8. Match imported fields to personalised fields and click on Next
  9. Select the Subscription status of the imported contacts and click on Next
  10. Optional: Assign Tags to the contacts and click on Next


  • Clean mobile numbers removes spaces, symbols, etc from uploaded mobile numbers, ensuring that all data is in a consistent format
  • 8-digit contact numbers that begin with 3, 6, 8, or 9 are automatically recognised and uploaded with the Singapore country code prefix

3h. Export Contacts

To Export Contacts:

  1. Select Contacts
  2. Click on Export Contacts

3i. Delete Contacts

To Delete Contacts:

  1. Select Contacts
  2. Click on Actions
  3. Delete Contact

3j. Edit Status

To Edit status of Contacts:

  1. Select Contacts
  2. Click on Actions
  3. Edit Status
  4. Select updated status
  5. Click on Ok

4. Campaigns

To view your Campaigns:

  1. Click on the Campaigns section

4a. Create a New campaign

To Create a New campaign:

  1. Click on New Campaign
  2. Enter Campaign name
  3. Select the subscription status of your recipients
  4. Optional: Select to Bypass unsub block of unsubscribed recipients
  5. Search and select Tags of contacts you want to send your broadcast to, then Click on Next
  6. Expand the Select a Template message
  7. Select Broadcast date & time
  8. Optional: Repeat steps 6-7 for your Follow-up message and click on Next
  9. Optional: Set up your Campaign keyword responder message and keywords and click on Ok


  • See 8b for creating a new template before sending your first campaign.
  • You can send up to 10 pre-approved templates as Follow-up messages

4b. Delete Campaigns

To Delete campaigns:

  1. Select Campaigns
  2. Click on Actions
  3. Delete Campaign

4c. View Campaign details

To View your Campaign details:

  1. Click on ⚙️

4d. Export Campaign reports

To Export your Campaign reports:

  1. Click on ⚙️
  2. Click on Report > Table
  3. Click on Export

5. Keyword responder

To view your Keyword responder:

  1. Click on the Keyword responder section

5a. Create a New Keyword responder

To Create a New Keyword responder:

  1. Click on New Keyword responder
  2. Enter Keyword responder name
  3. Optional: Enter Email address
  4. Enter the Start and End dates
  5. Enter the Message to be sent
  6. Add Keywords
  7. Optional: Select a Subscription status
  8. Optional: Add/Remove tags
  9. Click on Ok

Notification emails are sent when:

  • A new Keyword responder is created


  • Selecting a Subscription status updates the Subscription status of the number that sends the message containing the Keyword
  • Tagging/untagging updates the Tag of the number that sends the message containing the Keyword

5b. Delete Keyword responder

To Delete a Keyword responder:

  1. Select Keyword responders
  2. Click on Actions
  3. Delete Keyword responder(s)

6. Inbox

To view your Inbox:

  1. Click on the Inbox section

6a. View conversation details

To View conversation details:

  1. Click on Sender number

6b. Quick reply

To reply to a message:

  1. Under Quick reply, click on Reply

7. Outbox

To view your Outbox:

  1. Click on the Outbox section

7a. View conversation details

To View conversation details:

  1. Click on Sender number

8. Settings

To view your Settings:

  1. Click on the Settings section

8a. Manage account

Under Manage account, you may:

1. Set low credit warning level: receive email notifications when your credit falls below a certain balance

2. Set data retention period: the length of time that your data is stored before it is deleted from the system

3. Click on Update to apply changes

Notification emails are sent when:

  • Credit is low

8b. Create new template

To Create a new template:

  1. Click on New
  2. Enter your Template name
  3. Enter your Template message
  4. Optional: Add images/videos
  5. Click on Submit for approval

Notification emails are sent when:

  • A new template is created
  • Your template is approved or rejected

8c. Delete Templates

To Delete Templates:

  1. Select Templates
  2. Click on Actions
  3. Delete Template(s)

8d. View country price list

To View country price list:

  1. Click on Country price list
  2. Search for a country by entering its name in the Search bar

8e. View users

To View users:

  1. Click on Users

8f. Add users

To Add users:

  1. Click on Add Admin / User
  2. Enter the user’s First Name and Last Name
  3. Enter the user’s Email
  4. Select Role
  5. Click on Ok

Notification emails are sent when:

  • A new admin or user is added


  • Admins have access to all sections, while Users do not have access to Settings

8g. Delete users

To Delete users:

  1. Select Users
  2. Click on Actions
  3. Delete User